Monday, February 25, 2019

It's time to DIE-T

We're starting a new diet today. It's the 6 Week Cure For The Middle Aged Middle. It's been out for a good while, basically a targeted keto diet designed to work on the fat in a persons middle that lies under the stomach muscles. Apparently that's a spot where fat really isn't supposed to be. That leads to things like fatty liver disease and other gut related problems.

We've done well dieting and working out and getting our mass reduced a bit. Our friend Rich suggested this diet as he has done it a couple times before this. After deciding to do it together for mutual support we all got blood work done to see what changes it might make. Turns out Rich kinda needs to do this diet right now. That works out well.

So for 6 weeks, starting today, we'll cut out caffeine and alcohol. We've already cut out sugar and most of the carbs, months ago. The diet goes in 3 sections of 2 weeks with slightly different eating patterns for each set of 2 weeks. Section one will consist of 2 isolate whey protein shakes and one low carb meal a day. The second section contains eating more actual food, still low carb and the last set are the "meat" weeks. Crys and Rich will use fish for that, I'll eat enough eggs to float a boat of chickens. :D The diet is really built for vegetarians, but we'll make it work and get through it all together.

Crys takes off late today to be there for her dads heart operation tomorrow. Looks like they'll really do it this time. We got the fellas apartment tidied up last week so it should be a nice easy visit. She hopes to return on Friday, but we shall see. Operations and doctors are seldom specific things. She's taking her shake stuff with her, and it's not like they'll be going out a lot anyway. :D

And we're off!!!!!!!

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