Saturday, January 26, 2019

Advanced Open Water Scuba Training.

We find ourselves in Santa Rosa, New Mexico just off old Route 66. Santa Rosa is home to the Blue Hole. OK, not THE Blue Hole, that one is off the coast of Belize and is 400 feet deep, surrounded by a barrier reef and one of the worlds great wonders.

This Blue Hole is a deep clear spring at 61 degrees F. It's about 80 feet across at the top and 81 feet deep with a diameter of 130 feet at the bottom. It has been many things in the past but is now a winter scuba diving mecca for the west since it's warm enough while wearing a 7mm diving suit to do a bit of winter diving. That's why we're here, to get our Advanced Open Water certificate from Abyss Scuba under the PADI banner.

We are up and getting ready for class. 😃 Mostly just reviewing this morning’s two dives. Probably the full face one and buoyancy. Class is at 7 then we’ll go find some good coffee until around 9 when we’ll get dressed for diving. We’ll dive from about 9:30 tp 11:30, then have the middle of the day off until we go back for our night dive at 5:30. I’m figuring we’ll be outta there by 7 PM tonight. We’ll go back from 8 to 10 AM on Sunday then it’s at least 12 hours before we can go over a pass, so we’re still planning on driving home on Monday (Probably early, I think we’d both like to get home.)

(That was my message to Rich, who's watching our house this morning).

For the certificate you do 5 things. Deep dive and Underwater Navigation are required. We're also doing the class for our fancy full face diving masks. (yay, more mask skills) along with peak buoyancy and a night dive. The buoyancy will be really helpful and the night dive means we can go to the Caribbean and dive with the bioluminescent plankton and stuff. We'd both pretty much rather take a beating than do mask skills again but once done we'll have the premier masks you can dive with. :D

We're also getting the rest of our scuba stuff delivered and set up so we won't have to rent anything but tanks and/or a special suit from here on out. Abyss gave us a pretty good deal and it's nice to have a local shop to depend on.

OK, time to get my ass moving.

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