Wired and pretty near ruined I'd say :D
Yesterday Crystal finished up the shit job of tearing off the bits of kibble all around the edge of the walls at the roof. It had to be done to do the insulating and drywall and was a nasty, dirty, crappy, unending task. She kept working at it, foot by foot, dirt raining down on her head, mouse shit bouncing on the floor, pounding a nail bar and slicing old ceiling board off at the edges until she'd worked her way all the way around the house.
All I did was work on the electrical yesterday. Got the 35 recessed fixtures up in the roof/ceiling and got a good bit of the wire pulled. Roger will be out today to give me a pre inspection and some advice before I do stuff I have to undo. :D We're hoping to have the biggest part of the wiring done before I go back to work on the 12th. Then we can get inspected, get the insulators in there and then the plumber. While they're working we'll work on insulating and water proofing the crawl space (from the outside) and getting a start on the perimeter dirt work and pump house location.
Christie showed up again today and "dressed" the electrical I had already pulled in to the boxes. Man are we ever gonna owe her....
And thanks to Pablo we have some temporary storage for the pile of crap we had in a room in the trailer. In his van is now a big group of our stuff.
Just 'cause you can't be working inside the place doesn't mean you can't keep working.
Today? More electrical and a good clean up.
Better get to it.